Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall Fun

After school today I let the boys get some fresh air and play outside for a few minutes (it was a little overcast and sprinkling). Our little neighbor friend came out and the boys started having a leaf fight. They really did enjoy themselves and they got out some much needed energy since the last few days have been rainy.
Diego loves to climb the tree in the front yard. He wasn't too happy though that he couldn't "hide" in the tree anymore since all the leaves have fallen.
I asked Christian if I could bury him in the leaves for a picture and he happily agreed. To my surprise, Anthony laid down next to him and said "Me, Me, Me!" Anything the other two boys do, Anthony is right behind them trying to do the same thing. He even tried to climb the tree just like Diego!
I was talking with our neighbor and Diego got a hold of the camera and this is what you get when boys are being silly.
Christian really isn't angry here, I believe he is doing a serious fighting stance. They like to use their sticks as light sabers and swords. Boys, boys, boys!


Mary said...

Your boys are adorable. I love the picture of 2 of them buried in the leaves! EVERY day is wheelbarrows of fun with boys, eh? Just give them somes sticks and some piles of leaves and they're good to go for hours. :)

Karen said...

That Anthony makes me laugh - no matter what he does!

I love the two boys laying on the sidewalk covered in leaves!

Julie said...

Fun, fun! Jonah saw the stick pictures and said, "oh, mom, go back, do you see those sticks?" Um, yeah, all I can say is "boy."