Monday, July 22, 2013

Scout Camp 2013

This year the boys did not go with their troop to the designated scout camp.  I decided to take the same week and work on the stuff I knew they needed to help get them further along.  It was a fun and busy week.  Our neighbor, also a Webelos, joined us for a couple activities.

We visited the library to look at newspapers from long ago. 
 The earliest they had was from 1853. 
 We learned the paper costs 2 cents!

We made model boats. 


Christian and Anthony learned to make friendship bracelets.

We took a tour of the dump.  Interesting facts we did not know:
1000 acres big
Bald eagles nest there
In a few years the landfill will supply energy to the new high school
You can buy mulch there

We worked on the Good Manners belt loop/pin and the Nutrition belt loop/pin. 
 Christian is demonstrating his good manners by cutting his breadstick with a knife and fork!

We made catapults.  This was a favorite. 
 They used marshmallows to catapult.

 They had a contest on who could launch there marshmallow the furthest. 
The backyard was covered in marshmallows.

 We made para-chord bracelets.

We visited a local home that was built in the 1700's. 
 They thought this arbor was pretty cool along the path to the cemetery.

 We made volcano's.
  Impressive for 2 seconds!

We learned to tie knots and whip and fuse a rope.

Made bird-feeders.

They helped make dip, cut up veggies and chicken for dinner.


Kelli Brewer said...

This is very impressive! I didn't know you guys went to Olive Garden... Jealous!

Karen said...

All I can say is, "You rock." Seriously. What a great week!