Monday, July 22, 2013

Scout Camp 2013

This year the boys did not go with their troop to the designated scout camp.  I decided to take the same week and work on the stuff I knew they needed to help get them further along.  It was a fun and busy week.  Our neighbor, also a Webelos, joined us for a couple activities.

We visited the library to look at newspapers from long ago. 
 The earliest they had was from 1853. 
 We learned the paper costs 2 cents!

We made model boats. 


Christian and Anthony learned to make friendship bracelets.

We took a tour of the dump.  Interesting facts we did not know:
1000 acres big
Bald eagles nest there
In a few years the landfill will supply energy to the new high school
You can buy mulch there

We worked on the Good Manners belt loop/pin and the Nutrition belt loop/pin. 
 Christian is demonstrating his good manners by cutting his breadstick with a knife and fork!

We made catapults.  This was a favorite. 
 They used marshmallows to catapult.

 They had a contest on who could launch there marshmallow the furthest. 
The backyard was covered in marshmallows.

 We made para-chord bracelets.

We visited a local home that was built in the 1700's. 
 They thought this arbor was pretty cool along the path to the cemetery.

 We made volcano's.
  Impressive for 2 seconds!

We learned to tie knots and whip and fuse a rope.

Made bird-feeders.

They helped make dip, cut up veggies and chicken for dinner.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Beach 2013!!!

This is one week of fun!  
The boys love it.  I love it.
It such a nice get away with laughing,
sharing past memories and making more.  
Love. Love. LOVE!


 We had a kayak this year that we all took a turn on. 
And yes that is Nana and Grandpa!

A little down time.

 Fun in the sun in a little frigid water!

 Friday morning was a family trip to get some donuts!.
  There was a car load along with all these bikers!

By the donut shop there is a boardwalk along the sound.
  We took a little stroll much to the mumbling of all the kids.

During the stroll we got to see this little guy, 
a group catching crabs 
and making the memory of all the kids really not wanting this stroll.

Our last night there we went with Joel and his family to go crabbing.  
Crabs nibbled and latched on but some nibbled and
 fell off as we were trying to get them in the net.
  A fun process with a great view.

I came down stairs on our last night to find Anthony asleep on the coffee table.