Friday, March 13, 2009

Someone's getting a little older...

Diego lost his first tooth!
A few weeks ago we realized that Diego had a loose tooth. Well on the walk to the bus stop in the morning he was finishing a muffin (his 3rd) and he stopped walking. He asked if he could spit the muffin out. When he started speaking I noticed his tooth was gone! He spit and out came the tooth! I grabbed it and he was so surprised. He said "I'm surprised it came out with a muffin. A muffin is so soft!" He was excited to see if his friends at school would notice...they did. =)


Karen said...

I love those just-lost-a-tooth pictures.

Diego's right - that must've been a really loose tooth to come out in a muffin! Guess you're not a fan of the West VA Mattingley floss trick? =)

East Coast Jenny said...

Hopefully that will hppen to Alice is a day or two. I hope the tooth fairy is on top of her job tonight:)

Julie said...

Congrats Diego!

Joel and Chelsey said...

I just read Karen's note--but I have to say, no WV Mattingley has EVER lost a tooth in a muffin. :)